A Wonderland of Rivers and Forests

The Beautiful Buffalo River (2)

bow cam 4

bow cam 4

Floating from Gilbert to Buffalo Point(approx. 20 miles) turned out to be a very scenic stretch of the river.
Rocky bluffs and wooded slopes were a constant companion as they hemmed our way down stream.  The contours of hills and hollers fold into each other endlessly as I gaze still farther down stream.  I almost expect to see a hobbit hole(with a perfectly round door) appear from this dazzling display of hills, trees, and shadows.

And sometimes when the sun illuminates a glade at the top of a wooded bluff, I am engulfed by a vision that would even bring Gandalf to pause.

For when the sun spotlights this abrupt, little opening(clearing) embedded with limestone rock, it shines like a beacon in the afternoon sun.  This wondrous landscaping of rock in a small open space surrounded by trees against a blue sky is a magical sight to behold.
(Glades are a sacred space;  more in later posts)

These moments bring pause.  These moments bring “stillness” on the river.

The scenery was so astounding that we spent most of the afternoon just taking in the view.  We paddled through some long, deep pools which can be tiring at times; but it didn’t seem to matter as much on this trip.  Another remarkable feature of this river is the abundance of gravel bars it offers.

There are gravel bars on “every” stretch of this river.  No exaggeration here!
You can not not find a place to camp along this paradise of Flintstonian Real Estate.  The first ten miles offered better choices than the last ten miles, but this just means you can’t be as picky about your campsite the second night.

The campsite on our first night might be the BEST CAMPSITE I have ever experienced!
(just up around the bend, next post…)

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